Kronocard uses the status field to manage the cards life cycle. Here are the possible statuses used by Kronocard:
DOC = The card is in documenting state. This is the initial status once a card has been scanned. Next possible status are ASK or RDY.
ASK = User asked Kronozio AI documentation services to document this card. When in this status a card cannot be modified until it returns documented from Kronozio AI documentation services.
RDY = Card is documented and thus ready for sale (or auction).
BUY = Card is on sale in your web store. Buyers can make you offers. While in this status you can modify the card at any time.
AUC = Card is in auction in your web store. Buyers can bid. While in this status you can modify the card at any time until there is a first bid or there is less than 24 hours left to the auction.
SLD = Card has been bought online, it is in a cart. Once the bill is paid your will have to ship the card. (if unpaid after X days then the card will go back to RDY status). You cannot modify cards in SLD status. (Note. Up to Kronocard v0.9.11 a dollar bill icon was used to represent a SLD card).
SHP = You have shipped the card: It is no longer in your inventory. You can also use this status if you sold the card offline.
NOT = Whatever the reason : you do not want to sold this card.